By all measurable accounts, you’re a successful guy. You take care of your body, make a good living, and have healthy, thriving relationships. You’re a high achiever and, while you may not be in the tip top of the elite, you know you’re living a life that’s better than most people can dream of or hope for.

But there’s this nagging doubt in the back of your head that something is missing. You still deal with imposter syndrome, don’t feel as successful as other people see you, and are more self-conscious than you’d like to be.

It’s not urgent or painful but it’s a buzz that never goes away.

It chips at your confidence, detracts from your focus, and make it difficult to be fully present in what you’re doing.


I’m Tanner and I’ve been in that same boat.

I’m a father of seven, have run my own seven-figure business for the last eight years, and have a few physical accomplishments under my belt like a half Ironman, multiple Jiu Jitsu tournament medals, Spartan Races, and more.

Like you, I’ve put in the work to build the life I want - one where my family can feel secure, I can have control over my days, and one where I can do as much good for others as possible.

But, unlike you, I don’t have that nagging doubt.


Most high-achieving men focus on three big areas of our lives - our health, wealth, and relationships. We put in the hours and the money to become masters of these domains and it’s why we’ve seen the success that we have.

The problem though is, a lot of guys who’ve really dialed in these areas think that nagging feeling in their heads comes from the fact that they’re not absolutely perfect in any or all of them.

They don’t have single digit body fat, tens of millions in their account, nor do they never fight with their loved ones or have their kids disappoint them.

So, they think they need to double down in the gym, at work, or at home - completely oblivious to the law of diminishing returns. 

They spend hours and hours and thousands of dollars trying to get another ten pounds of muscle or to find that investment that will give them a slightly higher return.

Sound familiar?


There are a number of different things you can do here but the one I want to share with you is the most overlooked and arguably one of the most impactful.

I want you to improve your appearance.

Now, I know that can be a bit off putting - it is for most men. We’ve been raised to believe that caring about style is effeminate or vain - that it’s rooted in insecurity and that “real men don’t care how they look.”

And, to be honest, if you were to just try to adopt the latest trend or follow cutting-edge fashion, you’d be right.

Most men write off the importance of their style because they’ve been taught to think about it the wrong way.


Remember that quote from Fight Club? Remember how the narrator wastes away trying to find the dining set that defines him as a person.

We’ve all been taught two massive myths about style.

The first is that style starts on the outside - with magazines, designers, or red carpets and it’s used to either create your identity or - even worse - to cover it up.

The second is that the main reason to care about your style is to impress other people - that it is entirely other focused.

And it can be done that way, but that’s not the only approach.

The real way to get rid of that nagging feeling is to make who you are on the outside align with who you are on the inside - creating something I call Extegrity.

That means creating an appearance - not with other people in mind but with yourself.


When you look in the mirror, or see yourself on a Zoom call, or take the annual family photo, or try to pick the best photos for a dating profile, what do you see?

Do you see the best version of yourself?

Do you see that high-achieving man who has the drive, discipline, and ability to create a successful life?

If you’re like most men, that’s not the story your clothing tells you - it probably tells you the opposite.

It may tell you you’re still the guy you were 20 years ago, before you accomplished anything of note. Or it may tell you that you’re nobody special and deserve to simply fade into the nameless, faceless crowd of mediocre men around you.

Maybe it tells you you’re desperate for the validation of others and, if you’re not wearing the most ostentatious thing in the room, you’re falling behind and losing momentum.


What if your clothing could reinforce your virtues? What if it painted the picture of a man with dignity, self-respect, mastery, trustworthiness, credibility, and generosity?

What if your style, rather than being a negative you have to work against or a neutral that gets forgotten, became an asset to your life?

What if you really saw your true self when you looked in the mirror? And what if you could see that true version of yourself in any type of clothing - from what you wear to the gym, to the most formal attire, and everything in between?


This is what I’ve spent the last ten years helping thousands of men realize.

The real power of their wardrobe comes from helping them see and reinforce the best versions of themselves.

I had to learn the hard way that style really isn’t about suits or trends or magazine covers, it’s about helping men find and reinforce a real, confident sense of who they are.

And the cool thing is, there’s a very simple, systematic approach any man can take to develop a sense of style that’s authentic with his real identity. 

When I worked in custom suiting I was constantly wondering why some of my clients looked to killer in their stuff while others designed almost identical suits, that fit just as well, and they still looked uncomfortable and out of place.

I started to look beyond just the technical aspects of how formal something is or how well it fits and explored the psychological aspects of why men relate to clothing the way we do. 

Ten years and hundreds of clients later, I’ve been able to break great style down into a system that will work for any man who applies it.

This isn’t just some basic list of recommendations that are safe and boring nor is it a styling service in which I pretend to know you, plug you into some basic algorithm, and give you recommendations that having nothing to do with who you actually are and how you want to see yourself.

I’ll be up front, this program can’t give you style. No one can give you style. It’s not something that one person can have and then pass onto someone else.

What it can do is teach you how to uncover your own style - your own unique, superior way of visually interacting with the world around you.

Here’s how we’ll do it.


A program and community for high-achieving men

Great, authentic style is built on three key pillars.


The first one is the one all the other guys focus on - and that makes sense because it does matter.

I’ll teach you how to know how things should fit on your body, how to compensate for anything that may be disproportionate about the way you’re built, what colors to focus on and avoid, how to wear patterns, and more.

This is where most other coaches and stylists stop but we’re just getting started.


You live in a specific part of the world, work in a specific industry, and interact with specific people. On top of that, you fit into all of those categories in your own unique way and bring your own personality and perspective to the table.

Let’s say you want your style to tell others that you’re a trustworthy man who has self-respect and isn’t afraid of a little scrutiny.

What does that look like?

It’s different for a young tech CEO in Florence Italy than it is for a former Amish man who runs a roofing company in Wisconsin. And that’s different from a man who’s a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas than it is for someone who runs a gym in Austria.

Each of these men will wear very different clothes to articulate the same message.

And this program will teach you what clothes you need to wear to express what you want in your own unique circumstances.

But even that isn’t the most important pillar. That’s our third one - 


In this program I’ll teach you how to see the best, most authentic version of yourself all the time - whether that’s in your gym clothes, your daily work attire, or something you wear out on a date.

I’ll teach you how to use your clothing to reinforce all the positive things you believe about yourself and minimize things like doubt, imposter syndrome, and nervousness.

Most men hate changing their style because it almost always involves giving up clothing that feels authentic for that which feels fake, vain, or disingenuous.

But when you nail the Authentic pillar of Extegrity, you feel even more congruent and honest in what you're wearing than you ever have before.

When you add all of this to what you’re already doing with your fitness, finances, and relationships, it’s like adding gas to a fire - everything in your life levels up in a way it wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

These are the same three pillars other men pay me thousands of dollars per month to teach them how to implement.

But you'll have access and help for a fraction of that investment.

And you’ll not only get to learn from the same curriculum I use to teach my 1-on-1 clients, you’ll be part of an active, like-minded community of men who are comfortable talking about their style and committed to becoming the best version of themselves.

I’ll be there to help you along every step of the way.


Once you enroll you’ll have access to an online course that breaks down these three pillars into six, simple steps. You’ll be able to take them at your own pace and work as each step builds off of the previous one.

In addition to that you’ll have immediate access to our private community - where you’ll get insights, brand recommendations, and shopping feedback from me and others - along with our group Q&A calls in which I work with you on an individual level to help you apply this system to your own circumstances.

It’s the perfect balance between you taking things at a speed that works for you and having me there to help guide you along the way.

Here's what the program looks like.


You can keep working even harder to gain that extra bit of muscle or make a bit more money, or you can try something that will completely complement and accelerate your progress in a whole new way.

More of the same or are you ready for a different approach?


What is Project Your Power?

It is an online course and coaching program with videos, homework assignments, a private community, and coaching calls with Tanner.

How do I enroll?

Click the button "Enroll Now" button and you'll be taken to a checkout page where you can enter your card information and get immediate access to the program.

Who is this for?

This is for high-achieving men who are wanting more than just extra muscle and more money

Men who are already confident and successful and are looking for a way to become even more so.

Men who want to be the same person on the outside as they are on the inside.

Who is this not for?

Men who are just starting to take action on being the best version of themselves.

If you're not already seeing progress in the gym, at work, and in your relationships, this program is NOT the place to start.

How long is the program?

You will have permanent access to the course, group, and calls. Most men need about 90 days to get to the level they want and then check in occasionally for extra help after that.

Do you recommend brands and clothes?

Yes I do, and the more active you are in the other parts of the program, the better I'll get to know you, and the better recommendations and feedback I'll be able to give.

Will this information be useless once trends and fashions change in a few years?

Not at all - in fact - it will help you now how to adapt to the changes (or if you even want to). The foundation of this course is timeless principles that you can apply any fashion or style you want to.


What did you think of Tanner's coaching?

"I would tell them you're worth double or triple the price you offer. It's an investment in yourself that compounds over time. You bestow on your client's knowledge, confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression. I would tell them you're Morpheus and once you take the “red pill” of style/brand there is no going back."

-- Sal S

What did you get out of the program?

"Everything Tanner teaches is timeless, and can be applied to any one any where. You can go as deep as you want into style, but even if you apply the basics you make a world of difference for your appearance."

-- Trevor L

"Tanner’s program does exactly what it is advertised to do. I am very grateful to this program and Tanner, and if I went back in time I would embark on this journey again without hesitation!"

-- Jack S

"This is an amazing program. I used to feel like wearing the right clothes was something so filled with small, obscure details that it would take me a life to get it perfectly right.

This is something that has changed my approach to clothing not just for the moment but for the rest of my life and now I can feel proud that this is another domain that I have rightfully mastered."

-- Uriel P

As I was re-gaining physical strength, and beginning to look the part, I was also able to choose, and wear clothes that complemented my up-graded physique.The course follows a very logical structure – you start with very simple concepts of fit, color, and contrast, and you learn the “alphabet” of style.

Once you master the alphabet, you then move on to speaking in words, and sentences, i.e. playing with the basics according to your taste, environment, and archetype. I have found the Slack community, that Tanner had created particularly helpful in that regard."

-- Leo K

This course is closed for enrollment.