Archetype Workshop
Look at that, you didn't have to scroll for a straight minute just to see what the investment was.
I'm also not going to waste your time with a bunch of heavy sales copy trying to emotionally manipulate you into buying this workshop.
You're a grown man and should be able to just look at the facts and make a decision from there.
Also, if $47 is such a big investment that you need to be talked into it, you probably shouldn't be focused on your style just yet anyway.
Here's what you need to know about the workshop:
Great style is MUCH closer than you think it is and it doesn't mean you have to
❌ Wear a suit all the time
❌ Feel like a total fake in your clothes
❌ Spend extra time thinking about what to wear each day
❌ Turn into some fussy fashionista who can't live because he's worried his outfit will get ruined
❌ Spend hours and hours shopping
❌ Completely change everything about your wardrobe and start over from scratch
The reality is that the best style is subtle and internal - it doesn't start with some magazine editor in New York or a designer in LA
It start with you and how you interact with the world - physically, socially, morally etc.
And most men will fall into one of three Style Archetypes
Once you know how to dress to the Archetypes, it becomes incredibly easy (and even fun) to dress better.
But you won't just have more style you'll
✅ Experience huge confidence boosts
✅ Feel even more authentic than you currently do
✅ Have more credibility and respect at work, with friends, and in your relationships
✅ Feel more present in whatever it is you're doing each day
✅ Have more opportunities come your way and have more doors opened for you
That's what you'll get from this workshop - along with
- Ideas on how to blend the archetypes in a way that matches your own life and personality
- Outfit recommendations from the most casual gym wear all the way up to suiting, and everything in between
- Links to the go-to brands for each of the archetypes - most of which you've never heard of and won't find on your own.
- All the info you need to know about color and fit so you don't get overwhelmed by all the options available.
- Confidence on exactly what to buy so you never have to question the clothes in your closet again.
- Guidance on how to tweak each of the archetypes based on what you’re doing, where you live, and who you’re with so you don’t ever feel like you’re just wearing a costume.
How does it work?
This isn't some high-level conceptual program.
It's one actionable workshop.
I give you everything you need without overwhelming you.
You get bite-sized chunks you can knock out in a few minutes a day and be ready to act on as soon as you're finished.
You'll be completely ready to buy as soon as you finish the workshop.
What if I don't have a lot of clothing stores in my area?
Not a problem.
The things I teach you can be applied at a Wal Mart, Target, Old Navy, or any other generic clothing store.
And I'm also going to give you a ton of recommendations for online brands that can ship well-made, great-fitting clothing right to you.
What if I hate online shopping?
I don't blame you - I used to hate it to.
I'll teach you how to get really good at it so it becomes effortless and easy.
Once you've got this skill down, you'll never set foot into a physical store again - unless you want to.
What's the investment?
It's a one-time payment of $47
This gives you access to the Advanced Archetype Quiz, my brand recommendation list, and the workshop recording.